Top Animal Health Links This Week (Oct 17-23)
To help you stay on top of animal health and disease news, we are posting our top links of the week, which will direct you to important information and discussions around animal health. Below, please find the links, broken down by Network. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter if you want to see the best animal health links on the net every day. Read our guides on how to use Twitter and Facebook for continuing education. If you missed last week’s top links, check them out here.
There were 41 rabies cases detected in Canada in September – full stats from the CFIA here
Updated Ontario Rabies Map – 4 new cases of rabies reported this week, and an update on a previous case
‘Tick-induced mammalian meat allergy’ most prevalent in parts of Australia and the US
Infographic: Using the Best Medicine & Reducing Antibiotic Use
Check out Equine Guelph’s Fall Health Flash – Top Seasonal Tips for your horses
Eastern Equine Encephalitis has been popping up all over the US this season. Talk to your vet about vaccination
Inexperience leads to disaster in small specialty poultry flock
Check out Ontario Goat’s Caprine Arthritis Encephalitis Part Two: Preventing and Controlling CAE